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Ground-based telescopes join the search for extraterrestrial life

"A telescope in Hawaii has detected methane in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet, proving that ground-based instruments can hunt for life"

Category: Space


Carbon Trust to hand out £22m wave of marine renewable funding

"Long awaited award of £22m to be announced today for six marine energy firms to help them prepare their wave and tidal energy systems for the water."

Category: Energy sources


Imaging: Think tennis for yes, home for no. Help for man in vegetative state

Medical Imaging: "For seven years the man lay in a hospital bed, showing no signs of consciousness... ...Until now... ...To the astonishment of his ­medical team, the patient has been able to ­communicate with the outside world...

Category: Medical Physics


Secrets, spies and supercomputers

"This week, BBC News is running a series of articles about pioneering British computers and British computer pioneers. The series begins with a look at research into computers developed at GCHQ after the Second World War. "

Category: Communications


UEA e-mails leak climate scientist defends his work

"The scientist at the centre of a row over climate change research has defended himself against claims that he manipulated data."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 776 to 780 out of 2977